Date: April 9, 2021

We recently went out with a videographer and shot a couple of great videos on the Seattle waterfront. In this video, Captain Keith Robbins explains why mooching is his preferred method for salmon fishing in the Puget Sound and shows how mooch fishing actually works.
What is Mooch Fishing?
Unlike trolling, which is fishing out of a moving boat, mooching was historically the most popular form of salmon fishing in the Seattle area. Mooching doesn’t need as much equipment or gear as trolling or fly-fishing by comparison, but the dedication and attention needed to mooch properly requires a lot of practice and dedication to the sport.
How to Mooch
Using a banana weight, a cut-plug herring as bait, and a tandem hook, you’ll want to make sure your bait is spinning adequately. The trick is to keep it constantly moving the bait – dropping and reeling the entire time. Keep it slow and use your thumb to regulate the line as the bait drops. As soon as you feel the bait drop, reel in really fast!
Of course, there’s more to it than that. An experienced moocher has tips and tricks for first-timers, but once you catch your first salmon you’ll be a moocher for life. For more information on a Seattle salmon fishing trip that you’ll never forget, give Spot Tail Salmon Guide a call or contact us today!